This eBook was written by me when I was in a compulsory redundancy pool and probably the least resilient I've ever been in my life. If you like raw this is your cup of tea. This series of blogs was originally published by the LSE British Politics & Policy Blog - I literally have no idea why because as you will see, it's not fashionable stuff. Downgraded, demoralised and angry. Hardly the employability brand peddled in Business Schools. Reading this eBook again is quite hard because it takes me back to the beginning of a steep learning curve. I learned that for trade unionists the difference between defending others and defending yourself is a psychic ocean. That when you write a blog in favour of getting angry about work so starts the era of EMAILS IN CAPITALS about the power of mindfulness. Closely connected to this observation was the recognition that having a public slanging match with a Buddhist nun about self regulation at a mental health event in Wales is a hard look to rock EVEN IF SHE STARTED IT. Let's just leave it at that. I also learned for the first time that speaking honestly is strangely attractive stuff in this age of big lies and self delusion. That's in the sense that we have an appetite for integrity, not in the sense that I suddenly became attractive since impending unemployment and resultant powerful-red-faced-sweaty emotions in no way improved my relationship status. I found out I was being put in a compulsory redundancy pool (now this will SHOCK you) by email at 4.30pm on a Friday. I read the email five minutes before seeing a patient in a psychotherapy clinic I was working in at the time. From this experience, I wrote for the first time about the working conditions of psychotherapists which drew me into five years of researching the therapeutic sector. I'm grateful for this coincidence of crises that pushed me forward into something that I genuinely love. There's not much I'd change about this eBook now although I maybe should have done a curve ball away from the very contentious debates about resilience that were taking place in trade unions at the time. It lost me work to speak in favour of resilience. I've since almost-learned to choose my battles and what came out of it is the lay language of 'surviving work' for which I'm begrudgingly and eternally very grateful. To read Resilience in the Recession download for free HERE



On the Horizon