It's time to talk about IAPT

Turns out that it really is. Last week we sent out a blog to ask if any IAPT workers would be prepared to be interviewed by the media. This led to a massive number of people putting themselves forward to talk anonymously about what is really going on in the UK’s largest mental health service. Such is the strength of feeling about the need to talk about IAPT and thank you to everyone who got in touch. As a result we’re running a survey for current and past IAPT workers to get some data behind the debates. Just 10 questions about performance data, management and the impact on the workforce.  This survey is an anonymous and safe space for current and past IAPT workers to talk about what’s really happening in the service. The aim of this survey is to get a picture of the realities of IAPT and put some meat on these media bones to help build an informed debate about the future of IAPT. Any responses will be held anonymously by Dr Elizabeth Cotton from Surviving Work (contact at No names or contact details will be saved by Surviving Work or submitted to any other parties. The results of the survey will be produced online by Surviving Work on the website and publicised through the media and social media to help support change in the service. We would be very grateful for your time in answering these questions and for forwarding the link to the survey through your networks to reach as many past and present IAPT workers as possible. Click here to answer the survey questions. Follow the #weneedtotalkaboutIAPT thread on @survivingwk  These are the questions in the survey:1. Are you currently working in IAPT?2. Have you worked for IAPT in the past?3. What was/is your role in IAPT?4. Do you think you are delivering good care in your service?Please say more:5. Have you ever been asked to manipulate performance data?Please say more:6. Do you feel that your service is well managed?Please say more7. Have you experienced burnout as a result of working in IAPT?Please say more8. Have you experienced anxiety and/or depression as a result of working in IAPT?Please say more9. What do you think should happen to IAPT services in the future?  10. Tell us anything else we should know about IAPT   


Let the bun fight begin


The Negativity Naughty Step